If the body is right, it doesn’t matter that the shadow is twisted. Proverb Chinese General, basic considerations. Thinkertoys, are creative techniques that teach how to have ideas, both big and small. Ideas that will make money, that solve problems, which sold to the competition and making progress his career. They are strategies to be active in the regular search for ideas. If we seek ideas frequently, some will be necessarily good. Definitely the thinkertoys are a series of exercises that seek to stimulate the way of thinking and creating original the different challenges we face in our life and creative responses. Michael Michalko, the Thinkertoys are solid and creative techniques that teach you how to have ideas. They are specific techniques and practices that give you ideas large and small; ideas that make you win money, that solve problems, which are due to competition and making progress his career. Michael Michalko in his work ThinkerToys presents how to develop creativity in the company and indicates a series of techniques called linear ThinkerToys, intuitive ThinkerToys and ThinkerToys for groups. The linear ThinkerToys include: list of attributes, morphological analysis, diagrams, matrices, etc. Between the intuitive ThinkerToys: incubation, fantastic questions, creative visualization, images, hipnogonicas, psychosynthesis, etc. ThinkerToys for groups include brainstorming, and storm of rice or TKJ. Scope. All people have two brain hemispheres. Each has a function: with the left think in terms of words and symbols and with the right images. The linear Thinkertoys are for the left brain and the intuitive to the right. The main linear Thinkertoys are: masks: If in solving a problem, we assume as certain things that are incorrect, the final solution will be incorrect. Broad assumptions investment thinking. Liberty Mutual insurance often says this. Many creative thinkers have their ideas when they question and invest the obvious. Technique of struggle: follows the model of the analysis of the force field, which allows you to see the way in which the positive and negative forces pushing and pulling you towards the best or worst scenario.The future fruit: the forces can be identified (economic, technological, etc.) with some impact on the decision, and to thereafter, build four or five future scenarios.
Soviet Union
It is not possible to be affirmed with certainty if the scene towards where we go will be better than the present one or that the pasts. But the transit appears like inexorable and if, it is possible to be affirmed that to be different. Clear that the immense majority of people, is compelida to confront this future, with the baggage of vital experiences that the same and their immediate predecessors have accumulated in the past. Jeffrey Hayzlett has firm opinions on the matter. Although it seems perogrullesco more, the world of is yesterday different from the today world, and the temporary distance is not of twenty or thirty years for back, but of not but of five years. It is in this traumatic intervening period, where the sense of social responsibility of the students is reinforced, in the sense to try to understand how it can be the new state of things towards which inexorably we marched, and to disclose those studies so that the greater amount of possible people can suitably process its respective problematic individual and familiar ones. – It is agreed in affirming that the world of our days this signed by two characteristics: the structural adjustment and " Post war fra". It is understood by structural adjustment, to the set of measures of privatization, deregulation and de-monopolisation destined to give to total use to the market and the competition like asignadores of resources. " Post war fra" , " gladnost , " perestroika" and the fall of the wall of Berlin; they symbolize the conclusion of the confrontation of the western world, led by the United States, and the communist world led by the Soviet Union. The dissolution of the Union Interpretable Soviet like a triumph of the western world, has revigorizado to the system of the representative democracy, like political paradigm. The same, next to the market economy, would seem to be the parameters from which, it will have to process itself of now in but the problematic one of the Earth countries.
Traffic Accidents In Summer
The summer is of the most dangerous times to leave to the highway since more displacements take place and the number of traffic accidents multiplies. What is peculiar is that more accidents in the going of the trips take place that in the return, arriving has to exist differences of a 35%. The main reason is the nerves and the haste to arrive thing that does not happen when you return since later of vacations the behavior is different since you return to house with more calm and of more prudent and staggered form. 53%2CVSRPtargetId%3A2687503%2CVSRPcmpt%3Aprimary’>Microsoft. The celebrations in many localities and the displacements at daybreak are also responsible for an increase of the traffic accidents, in which in a great percentage, the alcohol is involved. The traffic accidents with positive blood level of alcohol increase in more of a 40% in the months of summer and in addition the wrecks agree in which they are short trips, with the possible ignorance of the highways and where there are celebrations in the environs. Another common denominator of the traffic accidents during the summer, it is that the wrecks almost take with himself a 40 injured percent more of deceaseds and severely woundeds and a 10 percent more of, partly due to the greater use of the motorcycles and to the increase of the number of occupants by vehicle, or are family or friendly, with respect to other dates. After several studies it has been defined to the minors of 30 years like the main group of risk to have an accident in summer. Many of these reasons do not depend on us, reason why we cannot avoid them. What yes we must have all contracted they are safe for car, by its obligation against the law and to be prote’ge’s in any case. Precaution in the highways.
Marketing Online
The cantabri innkeepers learned the keys to online paper called Tourism Marketing marketing online. Web 2.0 tools., the first that was conducted in the second edition of the fair ExpoInnova, which organizes CEOE-CEPYME. The Conference was conducted by Fabian Gonzalez, of the Instituto Tecnologico innkeeper (ITH), which was accompanied by the Chairman of CEOE – CEPYME, Mirones Miguel, and the President of the Asociacion Empresarial de HOSTELERiA of Cantabria, Emeritus Astuy. Michael Mirones both Astuy coincided in indicating the importance to deal with the current economic situation by launching tools involving, at a zero cost, a differentiator in our businesses and a channel through which reach more audience. Michael Mirones referred to the delay that leads the Spanish hospitality industry in the foray into Internet. Us has begun to interest a little late with respect to other sectors and there is a long way to go, he considered. For his part, Astuy assured that It is not enough to have a web page or a profile on Facebook; In addition there are to know how to use it and be up to date because Internet evolves too fast. For more information see this site: Chevron U.S.A. Inc. For his part, Fabian Gonzalez based his presentation on the premise of promoting the competitiveness of the tourism sector with tools free and friendly since, he said, it is not time to significant investments. After exposure of Michael Mirones, was to do a review of the evolution of advertising since the 1990s, Gonzalez showed to the public, mostly businessmen of hospitality, current models of online advertising success. Hang videos on Youtube of our establishment which provide added value and are original can be placed the web of a cottage or hotel on the first page of Google, said Gonzalez. Another of the formulas for the success to which he referred was the development of social networks in the catering business. Entrepreneurs do not yet know the source of income which can generate have a profile on Facebook, on Twitter, or Tuenti, said. Gonzalez recommended to employers that they foster these business channels as platforms to be known without having an own aggressive sales channel or with repeated messages of offerings, but as something more friendly and amiable. It help us all, collaborate and inform but not overwhelm, he said. The expert also said that customers are the best advertisers in the company and we have to do as a friend and not as a business. Michael Mirones closed the session with his explicit support to the exposed keys of online marketing and the need for the hotel sector to tip over in them. Original author and source of the article