Dmitrovskoe begin to consider "second-run presidential," due to its favorable location and the rapid development of modern infrastructure. The price of land and cottages in this area significantly increased in recent years, and in the future, this growth is likely to continue. Featured Property Agency "Manor" has launched a mansion located in the "Big Water" on the bank of Klyazma reservoir. Until now, the main directions of Moscow Region, c which the Company operates are: Rublevo Uspenskoe, Novorizhskoe, Kaluga, Kiev and Minsk. Company "Manor" collection put up for sale the best houses in the "Big Water", providing its customers maximum accessibility to natural and infrastructural benefits of the Dmitrov highway.
According to analysts of "Homestead", Dmitrovskoe direction wins increasing share of suburban real estate market becomes attractive for serious investment. Developers enter into service of an elite segment of large projects, located in the most favorable with environmental point of view areas: around the cascade of reservoirs surrounded by woodland. The most famous of them – Pestovo and Cape Verde. In terms of sports and entertainment infrastructure, Dmitrovskoe is the most developed area of countryside, this is due to natural features, namely, the presence of reservoirs and rolling hills, and the popularization of sports such as skiing and sailing. Centers summer attraction is the "High Water" – a cascade of reservoirs to Pyalovkogo Ikshinskogo in winter – ski resorts "Yakhroma", "free", "Sorochany." The most advanced in terms of infrastructure are Bank Klyasminskoye and Pirogov reservoirs, along which in Soviet times there were marinas, motels and resorts.