If it is thus, ” your life will reach a fullness insospechada” , there is this Benedicto XVI to several thousands of them, with whom one has met in IFEMA at the end of the World-wide Day of Youth. Thus, the Pope, that has been received with shouts of ” This is the youth of the Pope! ” and he has been interrupted in diverse occasions with applause, has asked to them that responds with love to that by love has given by all. ” The Gentleman will transform your accumulated fatigue – there is saying to them, the preoccupations and the oppression of many moments in fruits of Christian virtues: patience, meekness, joy, occurring to the others, availability to fulfill the will of God. To love is to serve and the service increases amor”. This ” cosecha” , it has explained, it is of the whole Church, that becomes rich with the contribution of each of its members like ” mystery of comunin”.
Santo father has reiterated them thanks ” very vivamente” by his ” inestimable” service, of amiability, affection and gives to the pilgrims. But ” not only you have been kind to the pilgrims, but also to papa” , there is underlining. Yet this ” close gesture of amor” they have made reality, in a certain sense, the words of Jesus: ” If one wants to be first, is last of all and the servant of all ” (Mc 9.35). Its intervention has concluded with the prayer of padrenuestro and cheers to the Pontiff, as well as a blessing.