Reflection on the beddings of the Psicopedagogia. The first sight the term suggests to be about an application of psychology to the pedagogia, however its definition does not reflect to the meaning that this term assumes in reason of its birth. In this direction while production of scientific knowledge, the psicopedagogia that was born of the necessity of improves the understanding of the process of the learning. The learning problems another one would not be a mere application of one, but yes as organization of a new area, appealing to the knowledge and thinking about its object of study. How much to the sprouting of the psicopedagogia when mentioning the attempts of explanation for the failure pertaining to school for other ways that not pedagogical and psychological it, the used inquiry to explain alarming indices of the failure pertaining to school involve exclusively individual factors as: malnutrition, neurological, psychological and social. The psicopedagogia cannot be thought simply as an application as an application of psychology to the pedagogia. The object of central study is structuralized around the learning process human being, its evolutivos and pathological standards (symptoms). It studies the act to learn to teach taking in account the internal and external reality of the learning, looking for to study the construction of the knowledge with equality to the cognitivo, affective and social aspect in the society, not restricting the school, but also the family and the community. Initially it was a subsidiary action of the medicine and psychology when assuming as independent and complementary knowledge, of an object of study in the learning process. In the preventive work we can speak in different levels of prevention, the First level psicopedagogo acts in the educative process (problems in the learning); as the level the objective is to diminish and to deal with the problems of installed learning already; the Third level the objective is to eliminate the upheavals already installed in clinical procedure with all its applications. To if coming across with new theory concerning alfabetizao, psicopedagogo, together with other professionals of the school elaborates compatible methods of education with the new conceptions of the process. She is necessary that psicopedagogo knows what is to teach and what is to learn, as to intervene the system and educative method; the structural problems intervined in the sprouting of the upheaval of the learning in the pertaining to school process. In the clinical work we must conceive the citizen that learns as a epistmico citizen (with limits of the knowledge), implying disgnostic procedures and therapeutical, that consider conception of the diagnosis of as the citizen learns and the desire to know. The pedagogia and the psicopedagogia, are not enough to apprehend the study of the object, because the psicopedagogia bring the indefinies and contradictions of a science whose limits are of the proper life human being, the process of learning and its 0 variable supporting practical its, appealing to other areas as the philosophy, neurology, sociology, the linguistics and psychoanalysis.
Cristovam Buarque
They say that the elephants have good memory; they only imagine then if in Brazil it had elephants! It went to be a true slaughter, the indices of homicide with certainty would increase, but in compensation, the level of justice also. It will be that if the elephants were citizens of Brazil, the Jaqueline Roriz would be absorbed? I find probable little. Certainly it would be pisoteada in the first oportundidade for the next herd of elephants, that, perhaps, populated central plateaus. I heard to say certain done, that the elephants extremely intelligent and are educated; they are not become annoyed with treat who them well, quite to the contrary, are friends, live in harmony and watch over for the order; the evil of them is really the memory, is extremely vingativos. But I do not find that this characteristic of present revenge in them is so negative thus, everything has its public utility, therefore I initiated this deep reflection. A time, in one program of television, vi Cristovam Buarque to speak on the education in redundant way, but one gostosa redundancy of being heard (if the listener to like the education). But I discouraged with the conclusion it our Buarque friend: it said that already he knows that its proposal will not give resulted in the ballot boxes, it makes but it exactly thus. Then I thought: if the elephants were part of our society and could vote, find that they would increase the possibilities of Cristovam, therefore are about highly intelligent animals, with very advanced memory. The elephants if would remember, with certainty, of the aggressions to the people, suffered through systems repeated politicians have years. I am certain that they would take the leadership and they would not leave that the system if repeated, after all, if they deal with intelligent animals very. But, at last, this is a utopian possibility, does not exist elephants in Brazil, exists many foxes, wolves guars, ounces, many friends of the ounce and a diversity of very great fauna. But I finished to remember a thing: the infestation of rats is each bigger time in the Country, what it makes to fall for land my utopia on the elephants, therefore I heard a time, I do not remember who, that the elephants die of fear of the rats. Being thus, really, nor if we wanted, the elephants we could collaborate with us with its skillful intelligence; the rats are in the command, and, where it has rats, they cannot have elephants.
Bulgarian Republic
Today in the republic of Bulgaria considers new rules in the construction sector, which should significantly increase the responsibility Architect, builder of the State Comptroller and the reliability of the building. But this is only the future. We also consider the already built apartments and houses in which some of us expect to live for many years. In this regard, We talk about the already built properties. Globally in the Bulgarian Republic can mention a few main categories: the building up to 1970, construction 1971 – 1987; structure 1988-2000, 2001-2007 g structures, buildings, introduced after 2007 is not looking at that, at first glance, it looks strange, building all these intense periods are offered today in the Bulgarian market, including to foreigners. So, home to the 1970 Similar structures are present in large as the number of restored buildings, primarily in small towns and villages. These one-or two-storey houses look very presentable and nice. The cost can be – 20-40 thousand euros. But they all have in itself a very significant drawback: built on archaic traditional technology, the foundation is extremely easy (in some cases it simply does not exist), and the walls are not connected as required to each other. This Bulgarian Real estate is absolutely not designed for earthquakes. Most of them will be completely destroyed even at 3-4 balls fluctuations. In my view, what remains of them after the first oscillation will be slightly different from recent paintings in Haiti. The same thing can happen with old buildings in downtown Sofia, Varna and other cities.
Protection Against Legal Claims
What claims can be – made against surviving the funeral provides help even if the burial in the focus of criticism, it offers a tremendous advantage: funeral care, each also can create appropriate backing for a burial with small contributions. Because it may be that even demands are made by virtue to the bereavement. Here are some examples: The Verwaltungsgericht Stade (AZ. 1 A 539/05) has decided that a son for the cost of burial must come up, even though it has maintained no contact with him and against him had no obligation to pay. The judge ruled that because the son is the father closer than the general public and hence these costs must take. Here unexpected costs on a will without a funeral. However, according to the official court Stade, eliminates this funeral duty, when custody was taken from the father for example due to abuse or neglect. By the Lower Saxony Oberverwaltungsgericht (AZ. 8 ME) 227/04), it was decided that nieces and nephews are not the members of the inner circle. It must not be for a funeral. However, the idea plays a role here whether not a burial is established for the standalone aunt or uncle to ensure a burial in a dignified setting. On the other hand is to expect a grandson to bear the funeral expenses for the grandparents, if who is the only close relatives, the Verwaltungsgericht Stade (AZ. 1 A 681/03). If a cast preserved body parts that were found during excavation of the Tomb were returned when at the gravesite after the funeral, so still not a reburial claim. In a specific case, the rest periods laid down in the cemetery had expired for seven years. Therefore could not be held according to the Bavarian Administrative Court (case No. 4 B 05.3396) the action on reburial.
Computer Science
The introduction of computer science in the education, according to proposal of pedagogical change, as it consists in the Brazilian program, demands a sufficiently ample and deep formation of the educators. If professor does not treat to create conditions it simply to dominate the computer or software, but yes to assist it to develop it knowledge on the proper content and on as the computer can be integrated in the development of this content. One more time, the question of the formation of the professor reveals of basic importance in the process of introduction of computer science in the education, demanding innovative solutions and new boardings that base the formation courses. However, what note, mainly at this moment, is that this formation of professors has not folloied in such a way technological advance how much of the understanding level on the questions of computer science in the education that we make use today. This has happened, in part, because the pedagogical changes are sufficiently difficult to be assimilated and implanted in the schools. To another difficulty an ample gamma of possibilities of uses of the computer, demanding much more of this formation of the professor is presented by the speed of the changes of computer science, creating, what it finishes paralyzing it. ' ' To know they are them of the lived one that brought by both. pupils and professors. if they collate with others to know, historically systemize and called ' ' conhecimentos' ' that they dialogue in room of aula' ' (Geraldi, 1997, P. 21). The use of technological resources in the pertaining to school environment must occur of form contextualizada through the development of projects. With the use of the TICs it is possible to breach with the walls of the school and to interact with other producing spaces of knowledge, transforming to all into a society of learnings.
The Summer
Regulates temperature properly regulates the room temperature, keeping it between the 22 and 25 C. Thus not use to fund equipment, spending more money and limiting their time of life. As the humidity increases, it will be necessary to reduce the temperature to maintain the same thermal sensation. The temperature recommended in the summer months is 25 C, although the Ministry of industry has placed all units of air conditioning of their units to 24, established as well as official temperature for summer. One difference with the outside temperature of more than 12 C is not healthy and, in addition, for each degree that decrease temperature the device will consume 8% more energy. Adequately insulates the House to avoid energy losses, it is useful to adequately insulate the House, especially with special care in the openings. Another important point is to use awnings, curtains and blinds that can reduce the heating of housing, preventing the direct radiation from the sun reaches the computer. With these energy saving tips energy consumption can be reduced in up to 30% if avoids the excessive heat input. Placed air conditioning away from heat sources such as lamps or appliances. The importance of ventilate, ventilate the House in the early hours of the morning and at night, in order to avoid excessive heating of the hours in which higher temperatures are recorded. Similarly, avoid frequently open doors and Windows in the room in which the computer running. Regularly clean the equipment, air conditioning filters often become clogged by dust and dirt every day, considerably diminishing their performance. It is important to clean them once every two weeks, or once a month minimum, to reduce the solar consumo.energia. It is also important to make sure that the appliance does not have coolant leak. Calculate the humidity as well as temperature, it is important to properly regulate the moisture values. According to the advice of IDAE, the values should be between 40% and 60%.
Great Companies
In contrast, as it clarifies COR (1999): The functional relations that if develop inside of nets of specific companies (chain of economic value, strategical company-net, alliances, groups, etc.) define situated contexts of action are of a strict territorial dimension. (COR, 1999:168). Although the geographic aspect (proximity between the companies) either essential dosfatores so that an one company ' ' cluster' ' it gets ' ' advantages competitivas' ' , this does not want to say that the firms structuralized in form of ' ' redes' ' (dispersed in different regions) they cannot get the same advantages. In the truth, ' ' nets of firmas' ' , exactly that they do not belong to one same locality, still they can get collective efficiency, therefore what they lose in ' ' economies externas' ' (due to distance separates that them), they earn in ' ' action conjuntas' ' , had to the biggest degree of cooperation ties that them. Of this form, in the European industrial districts (of years 70 and 80), many firms if tied and participated of spontaneous form of the productive chain (team of producers), even so remained exerting its functions as independent units. Other companies, however, created stronger bonds through commercial contracts, and, even so were equally independent, already they do not possuam as much freedom in the production of its good, therefore in this in case that the specification of the product (quality, price, etc.) would have to obey what it was stipulated in contract. Finally, diverse groups of company-net were formed, also, completely tied (under the form of franchising, cooperatives, trusts, etc.), independently to belong or not to one same region, or, more necessarily, independently to belong or not to cluster. As constataramSENGENBERG and PIKE (1999: 113): It has given that they point that, in relation has fifteen years behind, the great companies has on average, more plants, however little scale. .
Small World Students
A small world of volleyball on the beach in Valencia students foreign students of Spanish around the world participate in a beach in Valencia Valencia volleyball tournament. The volleyball is played throughout the world. But this sport on the beach for many only possible during the holidays. Costa de Valencia Spanish school students took this opportunity to measure yourself in a small tournament. The participants came from all over Europe, Japan, Korea and United States. The tournament lasted until the evening, when there were only 2 teams, the German and another made up of a selection of Spaniards, Russians and Swiss. Finally the group formed by students from Germany, managed to do with the points needed to win the tournament. The same value, as to the fact of speaking in Spanish with others gave to the game itself. This was especially difficult for newly arrived students, not so much for those who already had a season in Valencia. Their task was to announce the outcome of the game in Spanish, without committing faults and low the supervision of the teachers of the school. Most experts in the Spanish language students had an advantage over the others, since they could comment on and discuss the more complicated moves. Some were holding private conversations outside of the beach volleyball court. A theme of recurring conversion was possible activities that could be performed to entertain in Valencia, since many of them come from holiday and want to spend their spare time in the best possible way. For this purpose are advised by others to find out what the best pastimes of Valencia. School of Spanish Costa de Valencia, Center accredited by the Cervantes Institute, daily offers its students up to four extra-curricular activities. These activities span many sectors, from visits to the historic center to sports activities, including visits to museums and other nearby cities. This way the students were together all matches of the World Cup and finally celebrated the victory of Spain big. When finished the tournament, all were given a well deserved swim in the Mediterranean to cool off after the effort. For many, it was an unforgettable experience that only you can live in the beach volleyball.
Exclusive Properties
Dmitrovskoe begin to consider "second-run presidential," due to its favorable location and the rapid development of modern infrastructure. The price of land and cottages in this area significantly increased in recent years, and in the future, this growth is likely to continue. Featured Property Agency "Manor" has launched a mansion located in the "Big Water" on the bank of Klyazma reservoir. Until now, the main directions of Moscow Region, c which the Company operates are: Rublevo Uspenskoe, Novorizhskoe, Kaluga, Kiev and Minsk. Company "Manor" collection put up for sale the best houses in the "Big Water", providing its customers maximum accessibility to natural and infrastructural benefits of the Dmitrov highway. According to analysts of "Homestead", Dmitrovskoe direction wins increasing share of suburban real estate market becomes attractive for serious investment. Developers enter into service of an elite segment of large projects, located in the most favorable with environmental point of view areas: around the cascade of reservoirs surrounded by woodland. The most famous of them – Pestovo and Cape Verde. In terms of sports and entertainment infrastructure, Dmitrovskoe is the most developed area of countryside, this is due to natural features, namely, the presence of reservoirs and rolling hills, and the popularization of sports such as skiing and sailing. Centers summer attraction is the "High Water" – a cascade of reservoirs to Pyalovkogo Ikshinskogo in winter – ski resorts "Yakhroma", "free", "Sorochany." The most advanced in terms of infrastructure are Bank Klyasminskoye and Pirogov reservoirs, along which in Soviet times there were marinas, motels and resorts.
Paris Streets
Bicycling through the streets of Paris is a unique way of exploring the city. The bike in the city of Paristhe city light has serious intention of becoming the world capital of bicycles. There are already more than 371 kilometers of tracks ciclabes, and are planned over 600kms from here 2 years, streets are closed each time more frequently to motorized vehicles, and during the summer there are dozens of initiatives that allow citizens bicyclists take over the streets again. I must say well high: Paris is at war against the cars! Their programs as breathe Paris, velib, Paris Plage in summer, offer additional incentives to exit and walk the streets of Paris by bike. Entire neighborhoods as well how the Quays of the Seine River, remain closed to traffic motorized Sundays and holidays, transformed into pedestrian streets and tracks for cyclists. Make an opportunity to take fresh air and enjoy the unusual Parisian atmosphere inmperdible only 5 years back. If you know how to get around the streets of Paris, it is relatively easy and safe, although obviously the precautionary measures must be respected. Be careful with this, since the bikes are considered how a vehicle, and must comply with the same laws of traffic than a car or a motorbike. You can be costly, (not to mention the accident) 90 fine for failure to comply with a red traffic light and up to 120 by drunken biking! Bicycle is gaining ground, but this recognition include rights but also duties not logical? Because the bicycle? The main attraction of the bicycle in Paris is that thanks to it you will have access to tourist attractions in a few minutes enjoying a scene impossible to discover traveling by subway, by car or bus. Paris is not a city as vast as it seems in addition to being plain, so does not need any effort to go from one end to another of the capital, and much less to visit the area of the tourist center of the capital.