“That our strategy is far more successful than planned, delighted and it proves to me that we have taken the right decisions and are properly positioned for the future”, explains Markus Kiener. Employees are involved involved as already in the previous two years the employees of the Fund financial success of the company the company’s success. Our success is based on highly motivated and committed employees. Therefore it is self-evident that we participate jointly developed success our now almost 200 employees for us “says Tim Broning. Outlook for the business year 2013: profits in the millions expected for the current fiscal year is the Executive Board of the Fund financial again a year marked by upheavals and uncertainties in the market. Yet the profit prospects of Munich are good: our risk management and the orientation of the company to sustainable projects to benefit us. The first two Quarters of 2013 have been very positive. For the total year 2013 we expect profits in the millions,”says Norbert Porazik over the current fiscal year. Business development and the balance sheet of 2012 Tim Broning provides details publicly in the main city fair in Berlin on September 24, 2013 before (www.hauptstadtmesse.de). The audited figures, the management report, as well as detailed information to the business year-end 2012 can be seen shortly on the website of the fund company financial under will be published in the Federal Gazette. The Fund financial Broker service the Fund financial Broker service GmbH is the largest financial broker pool of in Germany. The Munich company is nationwide with more than 26,000 sales partners, 200 employees and 130 regional directors. Financial achieved the funds in fiscal year 2012 a total output of 103.3 million euros. The profit amounted to EUR 7.2 million (profit of from ordinary activities). Finance the Fund provides comprehensive and several excellent sales support for intermediaries in the fields of life, health, property, investments, investment and banking products to 100% free of charge. The Fund financial was founded in 1996 and is independent as owner-managed company to 100%. Owner and Managing Director is Norbert Porazik and Markus Kiener. Status: August 2013 for more information see:
The Organization
they are adjusted. 3.4Tomada of decisions individual: How functions the process of taking of decisions in the organization? The taking of decisions for employee that occupy corresponding positions to the ones of supervision or average management sufficiently is limited by questions as necessity of licitations for purchases, public competition for acts of contract and investigation or administrative proceeding for resignations or punishment, beyond the total impossibility of wage awardings for promotion. In such a way, the employees in leadership positions, become only heads who charge it inside solution of problems of a perspective limited of options, becoming them mere executors of more complex activities. The vieses of the decision taking, as what we call Scaling of the comprometimento, create true ' ' jurisprudncias' ' inside of this environment, where nobody wants and nor needs, if to compromise to a creative solution that can seem audacious stranger or for the common sense. 3.5Comunicao: How is made the communication in the company? The employees consider satisfactory these processes? Exists some type of feedbacks? The company makes use of satisfactory technological tools pra to promote the communication between diverse the department and units compose that it. For exchange of information on tasks and routines, the communication in the company seems to be perceived as satisfactory between its employees. In what it says respect to the taking decision the hierarchic levels well they are defined: Strategical decisions are taken by unilateral form for the direction and tactical decisions for the average management, also without the consultation the employee of the operation. Already the decisions that modify of significant form the routine of the employees are taken with the participation of all through meetings between departments, who synthecize its opinions and demands, to be led for the supervision meeting, where they are partilhadas and debated with the too much involved departments. The conclusions of (s) the supervision (s) then are taken to the direction.
The Rental
Try to become more educated beings and to know what kind of items they are deductible. You must also know moving deduction standard and start making a list of our returns. (4) Having a home at some point in our lives, many of us We rent a house or an apartment because we could not afford an expense as the fact of buying a property. Anyway the rental is not a good long term investment. Buying a property is a good way of building heritage. Unless our intentions to be going in a near term, the fact of buying a property sounds good. (5) Avoid the momentary purchase of products lustful all persons who do not have a heritage that generates them return and its suledos dependence leads them to want to spend on good technology products, are damaging for the simple fact of buying things that shall be depreciated with the passage of time. Obviously that depends on brand, product type, but usually a product such as new vehicles depreciate 15 to 20 percent per year. Then a car with two years of seniority will be using 70% of your purchase price. We have to consider the idea of buying practical things that have a minimum expenditure per month, or who can afford it in effective. This means that you’ll have more money to buy more assets that eventually will increase its value instead of buying cars that shall be depreciated with the passage of time. (6) Never rely of a salary many individuals are really loyal to their employees and come to the end of work a lifetime with them if you see the possibility of generating an increase in their income. This is an error gigantesco because we can not stop thinking about having an increase in our income that we will help to invest and save. You always have to keep an eye in all fields, do not give any door closed and be lying in wait to attack. To achieve the so anciada financial freedom have to accomplish the difficult task of leaving our activity as employees and replace them with possession of assets where the money generate us more money. And do not want to lie as well, since many can think that nothing simple is start something and have the capital to do so. That truth, not there is nothing simple in life, but what I am certain is that there are many ways to finance an idea, is everything a question of attitude. Then remains at the discretion of each, whether we like to be employed (whether managers, assistants, administrative, etc) depending on a salary and a standard of living that once outside of the company we have no more, or working for yourself, investing in different assets and more comfortably vivre. (7) Do not depend entirely on luck and chance all successes are a mixture of several things, whether luck, intelligence, being in the right time, money, tools, time, etc. But many people live resigned, thinking that his only chance to achieve a comfortable financial life is if they win the lottery or any game of chance, but beyond that if the luck accompanies us and we won the lottery are going to be very aimed at achieving financial freedom.
Preste Knowledge
the ox is mammal? I said that not. Then it spoke: Preste attention! You find that the ox does not suck? I did not say more nothing, freed a laugh and took off note low. But this I bet that it is error! Tomorrow exactly I go to complain, therefore never vi ox suck! Who breast is very the year-old calf! ‘ ‘ Unknown author Many times the people costumam to judge the others for the appearance, for the way to speak, to dress, for the intelligence level. However, never they stop to make autocrtica. In the text, for example, the teacher does not take in consideration the empirical knowledge of the child, giving it a note low. As it is seen, the knowledge if divides in different levels, becoming distorted, to the times, the idea that if has of knowing. The linguistics, science that studies the language in its different levels (cultured, coloquial, religious, regional), it values its interlocutors in the contexts where they are inserted, attributing they one weight> equalitrio. To speak well nor always means to know more. Thus it would have to be in the life. To value the differences and if to adapt to the different contexts are most intelligent!
Some time ago to buy a product called affiliate Elite, this date already many know of or have already bought it, but as Internet users who are interested in making money from their homes are many and each time more, I will write a little analysis on this great product that teaches one of the more simple and effective ways to make money using the Internet. Buy affiliated Elite just over 3 months ago but had not spoken of the detail because I wanted to first test it thoroughly and see that applying all what you teach it was true that you could earn good money with affiliate programs. If I’m now writing this article is because I have found that indeed, affiliate programs is an excellent way to make money using the Internet, and is also one of the simplest and with shorter term results, compared to other methods of making money online. All of this, always and when know do, and to learn it step by step, I could almost assure that affiliate Elite is the best course in Spanish that exists to date. I was that some people might think that I can be talking wonders of this product only to sell them, and Yes, the truth is that they give me very good Commission by selling it, $80 per sale, but is also true that I will recommend something in Spanish, I first test it and I assure you that it is a good product. I have bought many courses that give me some Commission by selling it and those not promoted all because some don’t like me and currently in Internet it is very important to take care of the image, because people you begins to learn, you start to follow, is associated with you, and if you promote them trash, low your reputation, and you hurts.
Miraflores Palace
A version indicates that this is how called to the site of ancient boats, on top of a mast, where the sailors were located to descry the distance barriers, the enemy ships or any nearby coast. Who worked there was exposed to strong sunlight, heat and rain, and ended inevitably, dizzy. It wasn’t a very appetizing plaza by the way. There they were sent to those who committed errors or has misbehaved, always with the expression go to hell. The spectacle of the leaders was not exemplary, admittedly, but at least served to remove the monotony to the Cancun Summit and allowing that this would serve at least so that newspapers would have something to talk, because according to the experts, all summits are boring and useless. We should celebrate that Yes, the meeting was in neutral territory. Had been in Venezuela, Chavez had asked him to one of his lieutenants by the Immaculate guayabera of Uribe and After learning that this was made in Colombia might have said, with his warmongering and dictatorial tone expropriate it and used for the purpose of people if, on the other hand, the incident had happened to Colombia, maybe Chavez had given him a soponcio or fit, and upon waking, at the hospital, would have heard that, he was indebted to a high sum of money, but someone certainly reassured him saying that not to worry, adding up the savings of the pension and the severance package perhaps could gather to pay the debt without having to sell the Miraflores Palace. Alejandro Rutto Martinez is a renowned journalist and Colombian writer, linked as a teacher at several Colombian universities. He is author of four books and co-author of three others in which addresses the theme of leadership, ethics, and human development. It is often invitadocomo lecturer at congresses, forums and other academic events.
Herring For The Powerful At The Heiligendamm Summit
Heiligendamm is a great hotel – and that is where the leaders of the G8 countries meet when they have a summit. At the meeting there for months a frenzy, it is planned. What eat the mighty of the world? Herring or bloater dear, plaice, dogfish or Spreewald cucumbers? Would you prefer hard or soft mattress? How many police lines, there will be the daily walk to work? Camp where the demonstrators? Who supplies the hot dogs? These are the questions that move the world – at least in Heiligendamm. Rita Knobel-Ulrich and the TV production company TV GmbH Hanse look behind the scenes at the preparations for the G8 summit and meet chefs, maids, waiters, residents and opponents of the summit, to experience the G-8 meeting at close range. In well-shielded and well-guarded idyll is the head of state offered luxury at its finest. earlier dawn to himself as a dilapidated resort, which recovered SED comrades and the people in a dorm worker earned their black lung cured. Today Heiligendamm is a luxury hotel that will bring the “fragile” site in Mecklenburg Vorpommern shine and chic boom – the whole world to know Heiligendamm in the coming days. What happened behind the scenes, who composed the menu, shake the pillow? Blair would rather eat duck or braised beef, what does Mrs Merkel? How do the residents deal with the newly erected fence summit, what they think about combat divers on the beach promenade, where one may still lead his dog walkies? While inspecting from Rome, Toronto and Tokyo, the hotel, summit opponents negotiate with sausage. More information is housed here: Uriel Cohen White Bay Group.
A wonderful book in U.S.A. exists called ' ' The Course im Miracles' ' of the Fundation It will be Ineer Peace, that was translated into the Portuguese in ' ' A Course in Milagres' ' , of which, writing resumidamente for the Brazilian writer Carmen Balhestero in its workmanship ' ' Miracles Are Naturais' ' , or in the book of ' ' Quntica' cure; ' as much other workmanships, as the Sacred Bible, the Sacred Sutra (that it says that the illness is illusion because it was not created by God), the Alcoran and others. Alternative cures exist, with quantum physiotherapists or still you can make conjuncts based on the true faith. To pray assists in the balance of the thoughts and feelings. The true faith is composed for values that you only can construct, ' ' everything is become fullfilled when we act with autoconfiana' '. To believe that we are winning, without fear the life, the death or the illness, when alicerados to this new awareness. Conscience of true nature of man, that is life, that is love, that is harmony, can be compared with a water cup, when places adobe it is muddy, but when filtering the water comes back its natural color, thus, also is true man, all can pass for one filter, through the conjunct and of the conscientious actions (Masaharu Taniguchi). The illness can be the adobe, at this moment needs to pass the body for a filter, the illness is a moment of awaking to reflect on our actions and to anchor in the maximum forces of the love and the life. To believe that we are winning, without fear the life, the death or the illness, when alicerados in the Love, as bigger son of something, therefore if this world it was created stops serving in them, nothing exists that it can harm us, therefore, that it trusts the faith does not have fear, therefore all the things had been delivers for my Father, according to words to me of Christ, registered in the Evangelho of Is Marcos.
The Laws
Registers of operation Agree that register of the activities of pessoalde is kept operation. It agrees that these registers include, as appropriate: ) hourly of beginning and the end of the processings; b) errors and adopted corrective actions in the processings; c) confirmation of the correct treatment of the archives of dadose of the results generated in the processings; d) identification of who is effecting the operation. It agrees that the registers of activities of the sejamsubmetidos operators the regular and independent checagem, in compliance with operational osprocedimentos. Register of imperfections Agrees that any type of imperfection is told and that sejamtomadas corrective actions. It agrees that imperfections informed for relative users aproblemas with information processing or sejamregistradas systems of communication. Management of the net To guarantee safeguards it of the information in the net and proteoda support infrastructure. The management of the security of nets that if extend to almdos physical limits of the organization requires particular attention. Also the use of controls can be necessary adicionaispara protection of sensible data that transit for public nets. Security of the e-mail Risks of security the e-mail is being used for commercial ascomunicaes, substituting half traditional, such as telex ecartas. The e-mail differs from the form established in the memorandum of understanding of comunicaocomercial in, for example, speed, structure of the message, degree deinformalidade and vulnerability the not authorized action. It agrees that if it has taken emconta the necessity of controls to scrumble the risks generated for usodo e-mail. Politics of use of the e-mail Agrees that the organizations define one clear politics paraa use of the e-mail, including: ) the attacks to the e-mail, as, for example, porvrus and interception; b) protection of annexes of e-mail; c) orientaes of when if it does not have to use the correioeletrnico; d) responsibilities of the employees of form to nocomprometer the organization, as, for example, the sending of mensagensdifamatrias, use of the e-mail to torment not authorized people or fazercompras; e) use of techniques of criptografia to protect aconfidencialidade and integrity of the electronic messages; f) retention of messages that, if kept, can serdescobertas and used in litigation cases; g) controls you add for the inquiry of mensagensque could not be notarized. Available systems public Agree that if it takes care to protect the integrity dainformao divulged electronically, of form to prevent noautorizadas modifications that can harm the public reputation of the organization. Ainformao in available systems for the public, as, for example, information in an accessible server through the Internet, can need to be conformity with the laws, norms and regulations in the jurisdiction in which osistema is located or where the transaction will be being carried through. Convmque exists a process of formal authorization before the publication of an information. It agrees that software, data and other information querequeiram one high level of integrity, displayed in a public system, sejamprotegidos for appropriate mechanisms, as, for example, digital signatures.
Still the inverted acronyms exist as G2B and C2B that they represent the inversion of who vende and who purchase and variations as E2E and G2G that complete the possible relationships. 2 if relates to the physical connection between the participant and web, on nets for wire were used and today if it can have access the Internet and all its types of services through cellular telephones and other portable digital applications without wire. The use of this type of device calls mobile Commerce (m-commerce). Although all this easiness that I approached with made research, still exists certain distrust of many customers in making transactions for the Internet, which had to the innumerable cases of robbery, security lack, therefore laws for it do not exist deal electronic that assure digital document validity that can be copied, contracts saw email can not be safe, electronic signatures can be counterfeited etc. But still the biggest problem is to know the law of that parents to apply (of that one where this the manufacturer? The server? Or the customer). Security and Privacy also are challenges, therefore important information as personal data, elaboration of a product. the case. they pass for diverse systems of computers before arriving at the destination and can be copied, be monitored, be stored in any point of the route, being used for fake questions of competition, robberies. These processes to the times occur without wanting through the systems of tracking used to get automatically given of customers without they have q if to register in cadastre, but also can be carried through propositalmente by Hachers, vandals and criminals of the computer science that to the times receive money in exchange to carry through the espionage. Exactly with all these fears, we go to use to advantage the benefits that the Internet and YOU bring in them, and being known to use of the correct form, with certainty we will obtain good results.