
One way of supporting organizational culture during a process of change, is first made a formal statement of mission, vision, values. Use slogan, language, acronicos and expressions which relate to the new transformation, reinforcing the same direction, generating programs of training, coaching, employee benefits, symbol of status and promotion criteria, bring about the stories and legends of key characters, as well as spreading the organizational results. We have to be very cautious with the reactions of leaders before incidents critical during this process, that generate promotion or dismissal. A few techniques that are very useful to generate roots during this cause, where employees learn new values and behaviours, focusing mainly on the new entry, are the mentoring and socialization. Attitude affects differently the behavior versus values, while these they influence the behavior under all circumstances and mainly during an organizational transformation, attitudes relate to behaviour towards objects, people or specific situations. Darius Bikoff will undoubtedly add to your understanding. An example of the above is that a steering that much appreciate the helpful behavior, could have a negative attitude on how much help a unethical co-worker, we also consider that attitudes are more stable in people of middle age, in young people. The first situation is that in the middle age it has greater personal certainty, abundance of knowledge and need to clear attitudes. The above tells us that during a change of this magnitude, it is important to identify in our group, who show more faith in change, to shore up us in them, and install the values in the Organization of shape expeditiously. When you ask people that it is what would change if they could live again? 48% Responds is be in more contact with myself. Increase the compression of the concept itself is to better understand life in general. Viktor Gecas said the meaning of himself, as the perception that the person possesses his own physical, social, spiritual and moral entity, allowing you to show agreement as a distinct human being.

Buenos Aires

Further than the search for consensus or not to achieve governance, the first thing that interested for the Kirchners then consummate the defeat was political maneuvering to fight already in 2011 presidential elections, and they did so. Nestor Kirchner resigned as President of the Peronist party. Succeeds him the Governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Daniel Scioli, who followed the move and called to congratulate of Narvaez. This opens the possibility that the fears of the genuine opposition is met: after the elections, come together. But quick reflexes, and understanding the message of the people of Narvaez rejected the proposal because he wants to devote himself a: solve people’s problems. At the moment, the message of the ruling is clear: what you are interested in now, it is working to continue in power in 2011, the Government read the message from the ballot box at the top and concentrated on analysing the performance of his political allies to hold responsible them for the defeat. The phenomenon of testimonial candidates leads to end the permanent deceit that politicians with citizens who claim to represent. The people elected the Governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Daniel Scioli, for a seat in Congress but has already resigned to it. Not only politicians in Argentina do not deliver what they promise, but they even assume the charges to which they were elected. While still thinking in the political race, with completed elections, ended the Government truce and everything that went into hiding under the carpet until after the 28-J will begin to come to light in the coming days. And in fact, already started to leave. The Minister of health Graciela Ocana, resigned from his post because of differences in the treatment of influenza A (speaking of several deaths more to the confirmed so far). While the elections were carried out the Dutch company C & A, stealthily leaving the Argentina leaving 1,100 employees out of work.